Color Quiz

Start the Color Quiz
Choose Your Hair Color

  • Click or Tap the photo that is closest to the color of your hair
  • Do the same for your eye color, and then your skin color
  • Fill in the form and we'll send you your results

What's Your Hair Color?

Click or Tap the photo of your basic hair color; blonde, black, brown, red, or gray.
(the color your hair is now)

Natural blonde hair is rare and is found in only 2 percent of the world's population.


People with black hair have a vast range of skin colors, from the palest of light to dark.


Brunettes are associated with having a more even skin tone.


Red heads typically have fair skin, lighter eye colors, freckles, and a sensitivity to light.


At some point in our life, cells in the base of the hair's follicles slow, and eventually stop producing pigment.


Dying your hair a different color may change the results of this analysis. If you're just adding some highlights, that shouldn't alter the results.

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