Color can camouflage our imperfections or enhance our positive features. And Color Analysis is difficult to learn. One must develop an eye for color and learn how to visualize color in a variety of lighting scenarios and on different people.
The Color Code System is derived from Seasonal Color Analysis and is found to be the simplest and perhaps the most accurate solution for determining your best colors.
Follow these 3 simple steps and you will ...
Match your hair color, eye color, and the color of your skin to find the colors that will make you look absolutely remarkable!
Follow these 3 steps and let the power of color work for you!
Over 750,000 women have used as a trusted source for free online color analysis. Developed by color and image professionals, this 'color4fashion' platform sorts your answers and determines your analysis from more than 4,300 possible combinations.
For Details and Information CLICK HERE
This course is taught in an interactive, LIVE, virtual 6-day training. Participate from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a computer!
Instruction is led by Shari Braendel, founder of Style by Color and the Color Code System. Shari has been in the image industry for over 30 years and considered a leading expert among her peers.
This certification is ideal for those who are passionate about helping women and men look their best and realize that color is the foundation of any successful style, makeup, image or salon business.